February 23 & 24
We were privileged to host the 10th World Ki Gong clinic in the Netherlands. The organization was in the capable hands of Richard Suijker and the NTSDA. It was held on February 23 & 24, 2008 in Bergschenhoek. Master Tim Schroeder, a blue shirt level 5 Ki Gong instructor of the World Ki Gong club, came over from Tahoe City California, USA (a 15 hour, 7000 mile travel) to share his knowledge with us. There were 32 participants present to welcome Master Schroeder. Master Schroeder announced that Richard Suijker was appointed to European Ki Gong administrator on request of Grandmaster Shin. After a short general introduction on the program we started with a warm up, and did hand and foot massages. We practiced breathing techniques and learned about meridians and their connection with our internal organs.
We learned about Ki, the force of life, our internal life force and how it connects everything. How concentration strengthens this force and how we can have influence on it. We learned about the different kinds of breathing. We practiced awareness of movement. This we did outside in the park in sets of 2 persons. We practiced different kinds of meditation and have felt the effect on our body. The five Phase Theory and practice was intense and very interesting. With this, the five elements and the effect on the body were explained.
Also, we used our Ki energy to massage each other and Master Schroeder showed us the possibilities of Ki healing, cupping, pendulum and acupressure techniques. We tried the small circle Universe meditation and felt the effect on the body…it is very intense. Ki Gong is open for WTSDA members and their family members. It is enrichment for martial artists, but it is not necessary to be a martial artist.
The most important thing is to have fun in what you do. It was two very interesting days with different parts of movement, massage, breathing, techniques, theory, meditation, Hyungs and fun. The participants were very enthusiastic about Ki Gong. The weekend was a great success and hopefully calls for a continuation next year. Our heartfelt appreciations and thanks go out to Master Schroeder for his expert, interesting lessons and the fun.